Gregory University Uturu Faculty of Law Receives a Multi-million Naira Donation from Talkcounsel

In a bold move to enhance legal education in Nigeria, TalkCounsel has pledged a multi-million naira donation to the Faculty of Law at Gregory University Uturu (GUU).

This initiative follows the notable achievement of excellence at the GUU Faculty of Law, which TalkCounsel has carefully observed over the years.

According to TalkCounsel, the education fund aims to provide scholarships for deserving and outstanding law students and to improve academic infrastructure, creating a richer learning environment that will enhance the academic experience.

TalkCounsel’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of legal professionals reflects its dedication to the growth of legal education in Nigeria.

Gregory University Uturu expresses appreciation to TalkCounsel for their generous donation and reaffirms its commitment to further excellence.

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